...soul singing & heart weaving...Singing the song of your soul... The invitation this week is to think about how you can express the song of your soul. What wants to be created through you? What light, love and magic are you weaving, or wanting to weave into this world? Last year I joined a writing challenge called #writeyourheartout, offered by Alvira Publishing. Recently, I received some copies of my little collection of poetry! Amazing to hold it in my hands! 🥰#bigmagic #poésie #vivecréativité #wanderlust #creativewriting #metissagedecoeur #amotissé #heartweavings
What does your heart weave and what dream have you realised?
Creative communities, creative challenges, creative connections#the100dayproject #minibooks #100petitscarnets #metissagesdecoeur 42 days have already passed since the 100 day project began. The last time I joined in was 2019 and I got about half way before slowing down... I am using up my scraps and stash, making mini books for mini shelves and receptacles. I’m finding it is a great way to use my resources too, perusing the pages of bookbinding books, testing projects, trying new bindings and experimenting. What project would you challenge yourself to do for 100 days? Restrictions February and March have found me understanding just how much I take my body for granted. I have been experiencing lots of joint and muscle sensitivity and soreness, which has me limping and hobbling about, moving carefully and even slower than what I already do! I was feeling overwhelmed, so I took time off to reduce the build up of activity, have seen the doctor and done some tests, but it wasn’t that helpful. Likely, it is the ageing process, though I feel too young to be stiff and hobbling! Will gather other perspectives via naturopathy and a close friend who practices Ayurveda. In the meantime, I’ve been reflecting on how much my body supports me and how distraught I’ve felt when it hasn’t worked normally! How do you move around each day? How does your body carry you? I’m in awe of my feet, wondering how two small body parts carry the rest around!? So this is the moment to imagine an ode to your body and the movement it allows you everyday. Write, draw, paint, sing your praise... We don’t thank it enough. Inundating... Sometimes we feel overburdened, like we are drowning in work, activity, demands and expectations, so we are familiar with that sense of inundation. However, not all of us have lived through the devastation of natural disaster. Incredibly, over the years, in different places, I have experienced a serious earthquake, lost a home and all of my possessions in a fire and dealt with the clean up after rising river floods. Nature certainly reminds us that we are not the controllers of this world. It is a harsh reality, leading to introspection... When have you felt inundated, literally or figuratively? Moved to distraction...
What does it mean to be distracted? How does it feel? Is there a pattern and, if so, what does it look like? Does it come back full circle? Draw, write, design your distraction flow chart... wabi sabi, asemic writing, slow motion & pilgrimage...WABI SABI... There is something enticing about imperfection and though perfect symmetry exists in nature, it is ephemeral, transient. I am drawn in by the traces of time, the rustic passages of life, the signs and stories, the patterns of use and love, we leave behind, in our actions, our makings, our bodies Looking around you from all angles, find the magnificence in the flaws and hidden poetry in the beautiful imperfections of your life. Document it and share it with us. SLOW MOTION... I am slow and steady by nature, so if I’ve been feeling like I’m in slow motion, then my default mode has shifted to snail pace! Even my creative interests have moved to slow stitching! Though a part of me feels the pace needs shaking, there is something incredibly comfortable about this slow passing of time. What is your default mode? How many gears do you work on? What do you think you would notice if you changed pace? ASEMIC WRITING... It seems peculiar that we can create meaning through meaningless mark making and yet, that is what asemic writing does in fascinating ways. Art is abundant in abstract meaning and often, the meaning is found in the action more so than the outcome. In my explorations of slow stitching, boro and calligraphy, I have discovered incredible examples of stitched and written asemic mark making. In some respects, it reminds me of my childlike attempts to write like a grown up before I knew how… and now, we wish we could reproduce such free, uncontrolled work! Grab some supplies, close your eyes and make some marks, imagine your own alphabet, make up a language or simply scribble with abandon… then translate it for us all to experience. “Ideally, a human life should be a constant pilgrimage of discovery. The most exciting discoveries happen at the frontiers. When you come to know something new, you come closer to yourself and the world. Discovery enlarges and refines your sensibility.”
— John O'Donohue I’ve ruminated longer than usual on thoughts for the new year; however, one word has been persistent… pilgrimage. There are things I need to do and though I’m not completely sure what they are, I know they are all forms of pilgrimage. Be it creative, spiritual, mental, physical, or social, the above quote sums it up perfectly. So map out your journey, quest or personal legend…what does pilgrimage look like or mean for you? P.s In April I'm doing a section of this walk...pilgrimage indeed! Wonders, wild women, loving kindness & Ha(nay)kuâ
World of Wonders: In Praise of Fireflies, Whale Sharks, and Other Astonishments
by Aimee Nezhukumatathil This world is full of wonders. Some manage to capture them creatively through song, dance, words, images...this book Reads like a dream Like floating on a breeze transporting You there Exotic sensual funny An astonishment indeed. â â¦to sense their presence on this earth⦠â¦to be forever altered by an invisible kiss⦠In this world of wonders, how do your senses serve you or do you serve your senses? How have you been altered? How are you astonished? ââ wild women Growing up lost between the pages of books means I fed myself on fairy tales, fantasy, myth and folklore, (still do!) Studying and reading tarot has awakened the princesses and goddesses within⦠Iâve been pondering feminine archetypes and sensing my wild woman self, craving forest pilgrimages! I'll be finding my copy of Women who run with the wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes for a fresh perusal. What princesses, goddesses, queens, muses, poetesses do you identify with? Who is the wild woman within you? Do you know her well? How will you rewild your spirit soul? Just for fun, discover your wild self here with this quiz⦠Iâm a medicine woman! https://untameyourself.com/quiz/#gref Interesting information here: https://medium.com/@ibtisaamahmed/greek-goddesses-and-the-wisdom-of-7-feminine-archetypes-e06e51843ebd
A year of Loving Kindness to myself
by Bridget Lowry âIt is never just an ordinary day. It is a never-before and never-again moment, a day of particles moving through space, arranging, and rearranging themselves in ways mysterious, terrifying and miraculous.â Often unable to see ourselves as we truly are, We knowingly or not, succumb to self-sabotage⦠And yet, if you were to re-sculpt yourself, Beginning with acceptance, Taking your time, Moving into precious posture, Opening your arms wide to everything, Letting yourself feel, At ease in the flow of life, Perfect, just so, Having, being enough, Appreciating, enjoying, Who would you find? Who might you become?
Magnitudes of poetry are found in the simplest of spaces. While staring out the window, walking, driving, under the shower, reading a book, listening to music or washing the dishes⦠if you imagine each breath poetically, you will be breathing poetry before you know it, because it is already there, everywhere, you need only feel it, âin the simplest way you can. Ally @loveletters_ransomnotes shared this inspiring morsel on IG recently, see her post below and set your imagination sailing as you hoist your own hay(na)ku. â lurve letters, collecting, poetry & titles...Love letters Making #vessel4loveletters reminded me of thousands of years of letter writing history. When did you last write or receive a letter? Revisit the tactile romance of paper and ink, write a love letter…to a place, a person, a thing, an idea or to yourself. What do you collect? Write a tale in ten lines about your collectibles. #30in30 poetry month at Red Room Poetry was full of inspiring prompts…try this one.
A title can be pivotal or subtle, or we go untitled... Here is your title, what will it inspire? ...Antique anatomy... Books that inspire and community challenges that urge creative action! It seems the writing pace may have slowed for some of us, or the focus has changed, (I know mine does constantly!). There is nothing predictable about living in the age of covid! We are one week into school holidays here and a spread of lock downs began at the same time. Living in the country means fewer restrictions, however, my plans to catch up with family and friends on the coast are on hold, so the effects are far reaching as we all continue to adapt and navigate our way. Fortunately, I have plenty of creative projects to help balance my disappointment. I have been making the most of my studio spaces, sewing and bookbinding, as well as enjoying slow time, pots of tea, writing and good reads. Books are always a source of joy and inspiration for me. I have just finished reading two great stories that scream creative writing prompts! 100 REMARKABLE FEATS OF XANDER MAZE by Clayton Zane Comber I do love a list, even more with a touching story behind it. This story has the feel of real life about it, the kind of thing you can imagine happened. So what are we waiting for?
THE AUTHENTICITY PROJECT by Clare Pooley This one is perhaps a little closer to the bone… The story of a solitary green notebook that brings together six strangers and leads to unexpected friendship, and even love. Julian Jessop, an eccentric, lonely artist and septuagenarian believes that most people aren't really honest with each other. But what if they were? And so he writes--in a plain, green journal--the truth about his own life and leaves it in his local café. I listened to the audio version of this story in one day! What an incredible idea and a thought provoking read. How authentic are you? How satisfied are you? What are your truths? Will you write them down and leave them somewhere or start your own travelling journal, or keep them for yourself? BLACK & WHITE... I am part of some incredible online bookbinding communities and participate in regular challenges that help me stretch my creative limits, leading me into tempting and unexpected territories! In June, the #areyoubookenough theme was black & white. My mind map took me in the direction of opposed forces, so I made a textured black book, wrote a poem in white and sewed in some opposites. The exciting part is that this journal is one of the first in a series of themed #vesselsofcreativeconnection that I will soon be sending out into the wilderness for others to respond to with a contribution. I love making books, but I love it even more when they are filled up with the musings of life, be it writing, drawing or whatever takes your fancy. Responding to themes is an easy way of collaborating, often with fruitful and fulfilling results, not to mention banishing great distances and bringing people together! How will you interpret black & white? 50 WORD NOVEL
This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Feast of Words at Coonabarabran High, so the theme is TIN or ALUMINIUM FOIL. It took me a little while to find inspiration but I stuck with it and found what felt right. I do love interpretations of a theme; you are only 50 words away! What will it be…tin cans, tinny sounds or a cat on a hot tin roof? possibility, word releasing, marginal thoughts & toilet philosophy...As usual, I have been reading and listening to some wonderfully inspiring books. I am a soft touch for stories written in verse, so I borrowed a handful in excited anticipation! I’ve read a few books by David Levithan, and love how cleverly he captures the emotions of the moment. This month’s prompts have been collected from one book: The realm of possibility Let’s start with this wonderful title. What does it evoke for you? ‘We are so used to releasing words’ How are we doing this? Releasing them from what? Write about how you release words. ![]() …thoughts in the margins…marginal thoughts… My thoughts stretch in every which direction and don’t hesitate wandering into the margins! What thoughts have you found or written in the margins? Follow the formula:
Graffiti/toilet wall philosophy
What is the most interesting piece of life advice you have seen or written, outside or on a toilet wall? ![]() This totally colourful book is a creation in itself! For anyone with a curious mind and who loves exploring, it is a treasure trove. Even better - it has list making activities. My creative dabbling always has me honing in on the senses and wondering about things. This book helps (re)connect your creativity and senses through daily practice activities and observations. Chances are you may be doing these things already without really thinking about it. Try out these questions from the first chapter and why not check out her inspiring website. https://www.5ftinf.com/ Get into the zone… what are your favourite sensations? Make a list. Describe what this image evokes for you. Chose a book off your shelf that you have not read yet.
Let the pages fall open randomly and write down the first sentence you see. Go to page 5 – write down the first sentence you see. Go to your birthday page - write down the first sentence you see. Find the page of your age - write down the first sentence you see. Go to the last page - write down the first sentence you see. Apologies for being WAY behind schedule this month!
I’ve been road tripping, one year late I finally celebrated my 50th and 51st and it was fabulous! The last week of March was a whirl, then I was off, which means we have less time for the writing ideas that have been swirling in my head, never mind, write as and when you will. I listened to The Midnight Library by Matt Haig on the drive home and LOVED it! The big question(s)…if I had made that choice, where would my life be today? We’ve all played the ‘what if’ game, imagine some of them here, what do some of your infinite life paths look like? Cycling… my treat was a 4 day self-guided cycling tour along the East Gippsland rail trails in Victoria. It was certainly challenging though I loved it. The trail, in nature, peaceful motion, movement and freedom. Do you have a cycling story, poem, thoughts? I recently came across this quote above by CONFUCIUS. Find a Confucius quote that resonates with you and share it with us. Check out The Temple of Literature in Vietnamhttp://vanmieu.gov.vn/en/ BIRTHDAYS… we have one every year, whether you love them or loathe them, we all experience them differently. Share a birthday story here. Here are your prompts for this lovely month of February.An ode to me. Last month you wrote a letter of intentions. This month is all about praise and glorification dedicated to none other than yourself. We are often hard on ourselves and good at finding our faults. What about all the unacknowledged amazingness? It’s time to break patterns and give praise where it is due! Check out the link for ideas on how to write an ode. https://www.thoughtco.com/how-to-write-an-ode-4146960 ![]() Direction. I have a penchant for maps and compass roses, I wonder where I am and ponder where I am going and how intrinsically intertwined everything is. After listening to The Natural Navigator by Tristan Gooley, I knew it to be a subject worth exploring! How is your sense of direction? Do you always know where you are? Have you ever been lost? How do you orientate yourself or find your bearings? How do you navigate your way through life? https://www.naturalnavigator.com/ Inexhaustible. As a creative being, I often find myself coming back to the same themes. Strangely enough, the ideas keep coming and my curiosity or fascination with certain topics just keeps growing! If anything, I am overwhelmed by inspiration! It is inexhaustible! Do you feel the same or is something else inexhaustible for you? Romance. Yep, it’s that time of year again. Let your inner gush loose, be as sappy, soppy and tragic as you like and tell us, what is romance?
AuthorFor me, it seems there is not much difference between wondering and wandering. It has always helped me find inspiration. Creative dabbling is good for the soul, I couldn't imagine life without it and often surprise myself by what I come up with. Archives
May 2024