Here is some list fun via Pip at
Pass it on! 30 questions and answers 1. Who are you named after? No one 2. Last time you cried? Last week, today? Some recent sappy book/movie weepiness 3. Do you like your handwriting? Sure do. 4. What is your favourite meat? Groovy veggie chic 5. Longest relationship? 9 years 6. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes 7. Would you bungee jump? Nope 8. What is your favourite cereal? Crunchy clusters 9. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Yes 10. Do you think you’re strong? Figuratively speaking... 11. Favourite ice cream? Chocolat 12. What is the first thing you notice about a person? Their energy 13. Football or rugby? Neither 14. What colour trousers are you wearing? I’m not. 15. Last thing you ate? Mushroom and broccoli stroganoff 16. What are you listening to? The cat purr 17. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be ? Deep red 18. What is your favourite smell? Rain, sandalwood, patchouli, lavender, frangipani 19. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Nat 20. Hair colour? Dark brown usually dyed red 21. Eye colour? Blue 22. Favourite foods to eat? Cheese and olives, laksa 23. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings 24. Last movie you watched? Woman at war Sing Street 25. What colour shirt are you wearing? A many coloured patterned dress 26. What is your favourite holiday? Camping, road trip, exploring 27. Beer or wine? Wine 28. Night owl or morning person? Hoot hoot 29. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? So many places! Though not sure if I have a forever place... 30. Favourite day of the week? Friday...the weekend begins. Check out more list inspiration here
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This could get carried away, there’s so much to tell! I am a child of the 70’s and 80’s. Love those nostalgic playlists! I have a curious mind and love life long learning. I’ve studied visual arts at Newcastle university majoring in fibre art/textiles, other studies include; Dip. Ed, costume for theatre, French, creative writing, Library Information and cultural services, currently - bookbinding, tarot, Auslan, meditation. Spent a few years in Melbourne, eating baked cheese cake from Acland street St. Kinda, among other delights! I always wanted to travel and ended up living overseas for 12 years. I have 17 year old twins, Artemis and Armand, who recently moved to my mum’s on the Central Coast. I teach part time in special education and am a casual at the local library. I have 2 cats, a dog and 3 chooks. I love mind maps, camping, walking, my groovy bicycle, road trips, books and reading, dancing, cooking when the urge takes me, poetry, nature, lists, sewing, dress ups, writing, making books and living creatively. (Ha ha, am sounding like a personal column😆) In another life time I ran creative writing workshops in French (mind blowing!). A favourite prompt is; Self portrait in 3rd person. (Here’s mine, can’t wait to read yours) She is full of hopes and dreams of places near and far. Rarely rapid, she likes to take her time, slow, steady and surely. She is easily distracted and overwhelmed by will there ever be time to fit everything in? She tries hard to make the most of time, though she often feels like she is whiling it away. Sometimes she loses track of herself. Sometimes she dances around the house. She is a night owl, a book worm, a list maker and mind mapper, a stinky cheeese and bottomless teapot lover, a moon starer, a dandelion wish maker, a wild flower, a child of the universe. She is full of words and poetry, exposed seams, magic and stardust. She. Is. Inspiration...not enough?
How about too much? Why or how is that a problem you ask? Well, as incredibly grateful as I am about feeling awe-struck on a regular basis, my difficulty lies in using this gift constructively. You are correct. Inspiration isn’t really the problem; cleverly managing my self discipline is! I get easily caught up in all of the amazing-ness around me. Call it sensory overload, so many ideas and possibilities - who hasn’t peeked at Pinterest and got lost for hours scrolling through all that wonder? Or given in to the temptation of ALL those books to read among other distractions? Maybe I am over ambitious, lazy, slack, too hard (or easy) on myself or a combination of all of the above, organisational fine points are tricky. For me. Reining it all in and focusing on one or two projects at a time is challenging. Using time efficiently is super challenging. My life load is fairly average - juggling teaching, library shifts, commuting, study, domestic bliss (me and the fur balls) and parenting from a distance (which basically means they call me when they need something). Nothing overly demanding. It’s not that I don’t manage, I do. On the surface, I’m doing ok. I make and create often. I just don’t feel as on top of it as I could or should be. Yep, I could do more. Should I? (Don’t you love that word - should, uh-huh). Perhaps that is the million dollar question...who says I should? Umm...I do? On whose authority? Ahh...mine? Give your/myself a break! Maybe it isn’t about any of these things? After all, a problem is only a problem if we let it be one. Owning and accepting my pace, my processes, quietening down my mental 🤪mind, letting it all simply BE and enjoying where ever it takes me. Slow and steady, full of gratefulness. (I feel better already). |
AuthorFor me, it seems there is not much difference between wondering and wandering. It has always helped me find inspiration. Creative dabbling is good for the soul, I couldn't imagine life without it and often surprise myself by what I come up with. Archives
May 2024