Branches, nonsense and contemplative curiosita.Stretch out your branches, extend your roots and free write to this theme: If I was a tree… And just because you can, check out your Celtic tree sign The more I read the more inspiration I find. The more I make, the more I do, the more I share…it is endless! Sharing is one of the main reasons I (re)created Amotisse. It gives me a special kind of joy and the inspiration I receive from your participation is magical! Eva (aka Freda) recently shared some of her spoken poems with me, recited in their original German to music, emphasizing sound and rhythm, wonderful! Once again, we will follow her lead and write some nonsense poems. Here is her one below. Seems like good timing for being nonsensical! Feriengedicht Man könnte weisse Mäuse züchten und einen Papierbrief schreiben, Nelkenzigaretten rauchen und den Brief per Taube schicken, Raupen aus den Nelken fischen und vernichten oder einfach in der Wanne liegenbleiben. Man könnte Raupen sammeln und in Briefen schicken, Tauben züchten und den Mäusen schreiben, Zigaretten in die Nelken legen und die Blattlaus in den Tiefschlaf giften. Man könnte Tauben räuchern und mit Nelken, spicken Raupen mit den Läusen schlafen schicken, rote Knöpfe an die Maus verfüttern Briefe züchten und im Vollbad rauchen. Doch was tut man? Alles nicht. Unversinnzapft ein Gedicht. You could breed white mice and write a paper letter, smoke clove cigarettes and send the letter by dove, fish caterpillars from the carnations and destroy them or just stay in the tub. You could collect caterpillars and send them in letters, breed pigeons and write letters to the mice, put cigarettes in the carnations and put the aphids into dead sleep. You could smoke pigeons larded with cloves, send the caterpillars to bed with the aphids feed red buttons to the mouse Cultivate letters and smoke in the tub. But what do you do? Nothing. Spin around a poem that doesn't make sense. (Translated with (free version)) Our final Curiosita exercise, follow as below.
CONTEMPLATION EXERCISE In an age of sound bites, contemplation is becoming a lost art. Attention spans grow shorter and the soul suffers. To contemplate, as defined by Webster, is “to look at with continued attention, to meditate on.” It comes from the root contemplan, which means “to mark out a temple” (con, “with”; templum, “temple”) or “to gaze attentively.” Choose any question from the previous exercises—for example: What people, places, and activities allow me to feel most fully myself?—and hold it in your mind for a sustained period, at least ten minutes at a time. A good way to do this is to take a large sheet of paper and write the question out in big, bold letters. Then: Find a quiet, private place and hang it on the wall in front of you. Relax, breathe deeply, allowing extended exhalations. Just sit with your question. When your mind starts to wander, bring it back by reading the question again, out loud. It is particularly valuable to do this contemplation exercise before going to sleep, and again upon waking. You will find that if you practice it sincerely, your mind will “incubate” insights overnight.
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AuthorFor me, it seems there is not much difference between wondering and wandering. It has always helped me find inspiration. Creative dabbling is good for the soul, I couldn't imagine life without it and often surprise myself by what I come up with. Archives
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